BCCDS Outreach
Conferences/Workshops/Seminars (2024)
Keynote Speech "Representing the Chinese Self and the Foreign Other
in the English-Language Press Editorials in China"
Lutgard Lams
International Conference "Asia in the mirror: self-representation, self-narratives,
and perception of the other”
Venue: Univ. of Cagliari, Italy
Date: 18-20 March 2024
Presentation "Decoding Discourse on the EU-China Relations
in the Chinese Official Press"
Lutgard Lams
European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) 25th Biennial Conference 2024
Venue: Univ. of Tallinn, Estonia
Date: 27-30 August 2024
Conferences/Workshops/Seminars (2023)
Presentation “Taiwan’s position in the geopolitical struggle
with Covid-19 as a tool for health diplomacy”
Lutgard Lams
Taiwan Chair Studies Seminar, KU Leuven, Fac. of Social Sciences
“Social Life and Governance in/after the Covid 19 Pandemic: A Comparison between Taiwan and the EU"
3 May, 2023
Hong Kong Studies Association Conference
29-30 May 2023
Lutgard Lams: Discussant PhD papers
Presentation "Framing in Chinese and American Press Editorials about
the Sino-US Trade Conflict: A Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Analysis"
Lutgard Lams and Ying Xu
18th Int'l IPrA Conference, ULB, Brussels, July 2023
(Panel: Cross-Cultural Pragmatics of Language and Politics, Prof. D. Kadar and Prof. J. House)
Presentation “Striving for Discourse Power: Strategic Narratives
in Contemporary Official Chinese Discourse”
Lutgard Lams
EU Commission, EEAS, JRC Disinformation Workshop
(Panel: Chinese disinformation operations)
27-28 Sept 2023
Conferences/Workshops/Seminars (2022)
International Workshop on 'Narratives in East Asia and Beyond:
debating 'narrative's limits, prospects and linkages across disciplines'
University of Duisburg, Essen
Online, 14-15, 21-22 March
Public Roundtable "Strategic Narratives and IR: Narrating Great Power Politics" (featuring Lutgard Lams, Runya Qiaoan, Will Walldorf, Nele Noesselt)
Conferences/Workshops/Seminars (2021)
Presentation "Framing the Self and the Other in Chinese, Hong Kong,
and Taiwanese Press Narratives about Climate Change (2009-2015)"
Lutgard Lams
KVAB International Workshop on "The Language of debate and communication about climate change"
Venue: KVAB [Royal Flemish Academy of Arts and Sciences of Belgium], Brussels
Date: September 2021
Presentation "Tracing Strategic Narratives in Contemporary Chinese Leadership's Speeches"
Lutgard Lams
International Seminar on 'Politics in East Asia'
Venue: Institute for Security and Development Policy, ISDP, Stockholm
Date: 9-10 September 2021
The ISDP Stockholm China Center hosted a two-day seminar on ‘Politics in East Asia Today’, bringing together European and East Asian scholars and experts who are distinguished figures in their respective fields. To better understand conflicting political, economic, and diplomatic realities, ISDP provided a platform for valuable discussion and exchange.
International IPrA conference panel on 'Meaning Generation in Chinese Official Media Discourse'
(convened by L. Lams/Zhang Rui)
17th International International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) Conference (online)
Winterthur, June 27-July 2, 2021 Special theme: The Pragmatics of Inclusion
This panel 'Meaning Generation in Chinese Official Media Discourse' offered a platform for an exchange of ideas about explorations into various phenomena concerning the pragmatics of meaning generation in Chinese official media discourse. The panel comprised three sessions with a total of 10 contributions. While session 1 dealt with media narratives about conflict and dispute, session 2 consisted of presentations about meaning generation in official press releases/conferences. Session 3 gathered papers about media narratives on public health emergencies. These were all empirically-grounded contributions that took linguistic analysis as the point of departure but adopted different analytical lenses, either from a culture-specific perspective or a cross-cultural one.
International IPA Conference Panel on ‘Discourse as an Interface in the Study of Interactions between China and the World:
Foreign Policy, Narratives, and Diplomacy'
13th Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference
June 28 -July 2, 2021 (Online)
In this panel, PhD Cand. Steven Langendonk (KU Leuven) and Prof. Lutgard Lams (KU Leuven) gave a presentation on "Doing things with narrative in the study of China in the world: promises and pitfalls". Drawing on the seminal work by Austin 'Doing things with words' for the title of their presentation, Steven and Lutgard looked into the promises and pitfalls of the 'narrative turn' in the IR discipline. The panel name was inspired by and revisited the theme of the first BCCDS conference at the Royal Flemish Academy in Brussels in 2010.
Conferences/Workshops/Seminars (2020)
BCCDS co-organizes the 17th International European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS) Conference
in cooperation with EASt (ULB), Brussels, 2020
'Narrating Taiwan: Re-imagining, re-writing, and re-connecting Taiwan'
Venue: ULB, Brussels
Date: 6-8 April 2020
Follow the news on: https://www.eats-taiwan.eu/conference/eats-2020-conference
Presentation "Where fandom meets nationalism: Propaganda as a state-society concerted effort in China"
Lutgard Lams & Wendy Weile Zhou
24th DiscourseNet Conference “Discourse and communication as propaganda:
Digital and multimodal forms of activism, persuasion and disinformation across ideologies”
Venue: Université Saint-Louis, Brussels
Date: 18-20 May 2020
International BCCDS Workshop on 'Discourse in and about China'
December 11, 2020, 14:00-16:30 hrs, online
The 11 December 2020 international workshop, which was to gather the institutional partners and individual scholarly contributors in Brussels, was transformed into a virtual webinar, in which the participants engaged in an exchange of thoughts about their current research in the domain of 'Discourse in and about China'.
Discourse ‘in’ China was covered in a presentation by Ying Xu, PhD Candidate and Prof. Lutgard Lams (KU Leuven, Belgium) on how Chinese media narratives portray the 2018 Sino-US trade conflict, and how presuppositions greatly contribute to implicit meaning making. The second contribution to this angle of ‘discourse in China’ was brought by Prof. Qing Cao (Durham University, UK), who shared his fascinating latest insights on how political terms in modern China were translated from Western concepts.
The studies on discourse ‘about’ China were presented by Damien Ng (Julius Baer Bank, Zurich), who explored the portrayal of the 2010 trade dispute between China and its major trading partners in Western Newsmagazines’ headlines. His insights were very much echoed in the study by Prof. Shasha Wang (Bangor University, Bangor, UK), who outlined the images of China through the lens of British TV documentaries.
Although the meeting was originally planned for two hours, the lively exchange among this core group of researchers, sharing similar interests, went on for four hours and we still had the feeling so many aspects were still waiting for further discussion. This enthusiastic scholarly discussion led to the idea that the ‘to-be-continued’ panel discussion could become a full-fledged public BCCDS event in Brussels, November 2021. This eventually was organised as a hybrid event, because of travel restrictions from the UK. But dr. Damien Ng gave an in-situ presentation to the Brussels public and the students of the MA in Journalism.
Conferences/Workshops/Seminars (2019)
Examining Strate Narratives in Chinese Official Discourse under Xi Jinpin
Presentation "Democracy: Quo Vadis? An Empirical Analysis of Word Clusters and Argumentation Patterns
in the Taiwanese English-language Opinion Press Articles about Democracy"
Lutgard Lams, Charlotte Maekelberghe, Frank Liu (NSYSU, Kaohsiung)
Global Forum on Democracy
Taichung, Taiwan, October 2019*********************
******al Forum on Modern Direct Democracy,
Conferences/Workshops/Seminars (2017)
Lutgard Lams
14th Int'l Conference of the European Assoc. of Taiwan Studies (EATS)
Venue: Co-Foscari Univ, VENICE, ITALY
Date: 2-4 March 2017
Presentation "Humor as a discursive vehicle for political and social critique in Chinese society"
Lutgard Lams and Wendy Weile Zhou
International IPrA Conference
Venue: BELFAST, IRELAND Date: July 2017
Conferences/Workshops/Seminars (2014)
Strategies of Symbolic Meaning Construction in Chinese Official
Book presentation "Totalitarian and Authoritarian Discourses: a Global and Timeless Phenomenon?"
(eds. Lutgard Lams, G. Crauwels, H. Serban)
International Literary Festival
Venue: Mandalay, Myanmar
Date: February 2014
Presentation "China: economic magnet or rival? Framing of China in the Dutch- and French-language
quality press in Belgium and the Netherlands"
Lutgard Lams
International Conference 'Mass Communication and EU-China Relations',
College of Europe
Venue: EU Committee of the Regions, Brussels
Date: April 3-4, 2014
Presentation "Linguistic Engineering in the Institutional EU Discourse on China/Taiwan issues"
Lutgard Lams
Workshop Academia Sinica, Taipei (organized by D. Huang)
Venue: Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Date: April 2014
Presentation “Hegemony and resistance in the Chinese context”
Lutgard Lams
International Conference on Freedom of Expression
Venue: University of Helsinki
Date: May 8-9
Presentation "The pot calling the kettle black? Exploring discursive practices of Othering
in Chinese and Japanese press narratives"
Lutgard Lams
5th Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines Conference (CADAAD),
Venue: ELTE University, Budapest
Date: September 1-3, 2014
2014: BCCDS International Seminar
"Totalitarian/Authoritarian Discourse Across Time and Space"
Venue: EU Commission, Berlaymont building, Salle Cinéma, Brussels
Date: November 13, 2014, 4:30-6:30 pm
Guest speakers: Rüta Petrauskaité, Ko Ko Thett, Lutgard Lams
At this seminar, three contributors to the book “Totalitarian/authoritarian discourses; a global and timeless phenomenon?", edited by Lutgard Lams, Geert Crauwels, and Henrieta Serban presented their views on totalitarian/authoritarian discourse in China, Myanmar, and the former Soviet Union, addressing the following questions. What are the common characteristics and main functions of the totalitarian/authoritarian discourse? In what form does totalitarian/authoritarian discourse survive after democratization and to what extent can it impede democratization? Why is deciphering discourse important for policy-makers? The authors discussed how totalitarian/authoritarian discourse contains an explicit emphasis on the Party's or Leader's monopoly on truth and aims at creating a collective identity directed towards a common enemy.
Presentation "Parody, cynicism and irony as discursive ways of resistance in China and Myanmar”
Lutgard Lams
VIOT Annual Conference
Venue: KULeuven, Fac. of Arts
Date: 16-18 December 2014
2014 International Conference in Brussels
'Mass Communication and EU-China relations" at the EU Committee of the Regions', Brussels.
On April 3-4, 2014, The College of Europe organized an international conference 'Mass Communication and EU-China relations" at the EU Committee of the Regions', Brussels. Lutgard Lams presented a paper "China: economic magnet or rival? Framing of China in the Dutch- and French-language quality press in Belgium and the Netherlands".
Conferences/Workshops/Seminars (2013)
2013 International Conferences in China
In the Fall Semester, two presentations concerning 'Communication and China' were given by Lutgard Lams at two consecutive conferences in China.
In September, she participated in the 2013 China Communication Forum and the First Central Asia Communication Forum in Urumqi. In the panel on "Media, Xinjiang, and Central Asia", chaired by prof. Moritz, Lutgard Lams gave a talk on the Belgian press representation of Xinjiang. Kevin Peters from Web International English discussed shifting traditions in Xinjiang and Milica Pesic from the Media Diversity Institute, London presented a speech on "professional Journalism and the Question of Ethnicity".
The second conference, the Fourth International Conference of Multicultural Discourses, was held from 24 to 26 October at the enchanting West Lake in Hangzhou (Institute of Discourse & Cultural Studies, Zhejiang University). Lutgard Lams shared her views on how the Chinese press frames the US and Japanese Other in sensitive times of diplomatic standoffs.
2013 International Conferences in China
In the Fall Semester, two presentations concerning 'Communication and China' were given by Lutgard Lams at two consecutive conferences in China.
In September, she participated in the 2013 China Communication Forum and the First Central Asia Communication Forum in Urumqi. In the panel on "Media, Xinjiang, and Central Asia", chaired by prof. Moritz, Lutgard Lams gave a talk on the Belgian press representation of Xinjiang. Kevin Peters from Web International English discussed shifting traditions in Xinjiang and Milica Pesic from the Media Diversity Institute, London presented a speech on "professional Journalism and the Question of Ethnicity".
The second conference, the Fourth International Conference of Multicultural Discourses, was held from 24 to 26 October at the enchanting West Lake in Hangzhou (Institute of Discourse & Cultural Studies, Zhejiang University). Lutgard Lams shared her views on how the Chinese press frames the US and Japanese Other in sensitive times of diplomatic standoffs.
Conferences/Workshops/Seminars (2012)
Presentation “Negotiating (de)localization processes in the Taiwanese English-language press narratives during electoral times”
Lutgard Lams
9th International EATS Conference
Venue: University of Southern Denmark, SonderborgDate: 18-21 June 2012
Presentation "Anchoring and Positioning the Self and the Other in Chinese, Hong Kong, Taiwanese press accounts about climate change”
Lutgard Lams
ECREA 2012 Int’l Conference
Venue: Univ. of Istanbul (Section Science and Environment Communication), TurkeyDate: 24-27 October 2012
Presentation "Who owns the word “China”? Exploring the notions of discursive struggle and hegemony in the Chinese context
Lutgard Lams
Workshop “Media, discursive struggles and political agency”
Venue: VUB, BrusselsDate: November 2012
BCCDS Outreach: Lectures (2024)
Lecture: "Presenting the Chinese Self and the Foreign Other in China’s English-Language Press Editorials"
Lutgard Lams
Venue: University of Milan, Department of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Mediations
Date: 9 May 2024
Lecture "Representations of the Cultural and Political Self and the Other in Chinese Media Accounts"
Lutgard Lams
Venue: University of Bologna, Department of ModernLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures
Date: 10 May 2024
BCCDS Outreach: Lectures (2023)
The Presentation "The role of narratives in the official discourse of the contemporary Chinese leadership"
Lutgard Lams
Venue: ULB, Centre de Recherches en Information et Communication (org. Prof. J. Zienkowski)
Date: 15 May 2023
BCCDS Outreach: Lectures (2021)
Zurich Taiwan Lecture Series 2021 (Online)
organized by Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich
Date: May 20, 2021, 10:15-11:45 am (CEST)
'Framing Analysis of the 2016 Taiwan Presidential Election Campaign'
On 20 May 2021, Lutgard Lams gave an (online) lecture at the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies of the Department of Chinese Studies, at the University of Zurich. She focused on framing strategies, used by the main contenders in the 2016 Taiwan presidential campaign. Besides outlining major campaign themes and observing how the candidates frame the Self and the Other, the talk also pointed out discursive complexities or ambiguities concerning cross-Strait relations. Since presidential elections provide the perfect arena to either disambiguate or obfuscate positions in this matter, she probed into the use of certain terms and set phrases, such as ‘1992 consensus’, ‘status-quo’ in the 2016 presidential campaign.
BCCDS Outreach: Lectures (2020)
Lecture 'Examining Strategic Narratives in Chinese Official Discourse under Xi Jinping' organized by Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation International Sinological Center, Charles University, Prague
Lutgard Lams
Date: 25 Feb, 2020, 4 pm
Venue: Charles University, Prague
BCCDS Outreach: Lectures (2018)
On 29 May 2018, the Department of Informatics and Media of Uppsala University (Sweden) hosted a ’higher seminar’ by dr. Lutgard Lams, entitled “Examining strategic narratives in the Chinese official discourse under Xi Jinping's rule”. Lutgard Lams presented her study about the ways China has, in recent years, used its soft power to spread the ’China story’ internationally and how its strategic narratives differ depending on the targeted audience, either international or domestic or both. She also looked into divergences/convergences with the political discourse of previous generations of leadership by examining argumentation patterns and discursive strategies used in speeches and texts produced by top-level officials and their ‘core’ leader, Xi Jinping. The focus lay on Xi Jinping’s hallmark slogans, such as ‘the China dream’, the ‘new normal’ and the ‘Four Comprehensives’.
The presentation was followed up with an interesting discussion on how these ideas are spread through the Chinese and foreign media.
In June 2018, Lutgard Lams gave a seminar on EU discourse on Taiwan at the ULB Summer School on EU Studies
BCCDS Outreach: Lectures (2016)
Lecture Series in Taiwan
'Sinicization and Taiwanization processes during Ma Ying-jeou’s first term in office'
Lutgard Lams
Date: March 24, 2016
Venue: Chung Hsing University, Graduate Institute of International Relations, Taichung, Taiwan
'The interplay of language and ideology in political communication --
Case study: Taiwan 2016 Election Campaigning'
Lutgard Lams
Date: April 11, 2016
Venue: National Sun Yat-sen University, Graduate Institute of Political Science, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
BCCDS Outreach: Lectures (2013)
2013: BCCDS Lecture Series in Anhui, China
'The Recent Developments of IP Protection in China'
Prof. Frank Gotzen / Prof. Lutgard Lams
In the second half of April, Frank Gotzen and Lutgard Lams were invited by the School of Public Affairs at the University of Science & Technology of China (USTC), Hefei (Anhui Province) to give a series of lectures to the Ph.D. students of Public Affairs. Frank Gotzen also visited the Chinese Intellectual Property Office, Anhui Branch and discussed recent developments of IP protection in China with the Director of the Office. Lutgard Lams met with the Head of the International Office of USTC and the Vice-Dean of the USTC News Center and Deputy-Director of USTC Center for Science Communication.
BCCDS Outreach: Panel Discussion (2013)
On 29 Nov 2013, the EU Parliament, DG External Policies, Policy Department organized a Policy hub to discuss discursive issues of unification, 'one China framework', national identity with respect to Taiwan and Hong Kong, in light of recent policy trends and theoretical models. Guest speakers were Lutgard Lams (KULeuven Campus Brussels) and David Huang (Academia Sinica, Taipei).
BCCDS Outreach: Panel Discussion (2012)
On Feb 27, 2012, at the book launch of "European Perspectives on Taiwan" in Brussels, experts on Taiwan discussed issues and questions related to various perspectives from Europe on Taiwan. Lutgard Lams presented an in-depth elaboration of her contribution to the book with the chapter "Cross-Strait Relations from a Linguistic Perspective".
BCCDS Outreach: Panel Discussions (2011)
On Dec 19, 2011, Lutgard Lams presented a talk entitled ‘Taiwanization - A dynamic discursive process in the face of glocalization' during a conference at the European Parliament.
Her presentation highlighted key discursive elements from the policy statements of two major Taiwanese 2012 Presidential candidates, President Ma Ying-jeou (KMT) and Dr. Tsai Ying-wen (DPP) to clarify their different options regarding Taiwan's future in the dynamic of the local democratization, the Cross-Strait relations, the regional integration in the Asia-Pacific region as well as of the globalization. The presentation happened at the occasion of the 28th Taiwan-European Conference: EU's development and contemporary Greater China. The participants included MEPs, diplomats in Brussels, IR scholars and experts from the EU and Asia.
On Nov 3, 2011, Lutgard Lams gave a talk to a group of Chinese MA and Ph.D. students on the application of Chinese Discourse Studies in IPR studies
(Law School & Intellectual Property School, Jinan University, Guangzhou)
Fellowship Cooperation (2011, 2016)
2011, 2016 Taiwan Research Fellowships
Lutgard Lams, was awarded two Taiwan Research Fellowships (Jan-April 2011 and 2016) from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan.
Her host institute was the Graduate Institute of Political Science. National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung.
In 2011, Lutgard Lams carried out fieldwork on the discourses about ECFA, and in 2016, she examined the Taiwanese presidential election campaign discourse.